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Coins of England and Great Britain
Decimal Commemorative Fifty Pence

Decimal Commemorative Fifty Pence
The Commemorative Fifty Pence were struck to mark important events or achievements and their anniversaries.

EEC (1973)
Clasped hands forming a circle (to commemorate Britain entering the European Economic Community).
EC Single Market (1992-93)
Conference table with stars (to celebrate the completion of the EC single market).
D-Day (1994)
The D-Day landings.
25th Anniversary of entry to EEC (1998)
Star shaped fire works (to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Britain's entry into the EEC).
NHS (1998)
Open hands emitting rays of light (to celebrate 50 years of the NHS).
Libraries (2000)
Public Libraries (to celebrate 150th Anniversary of Public Libraries).
Suffragette (2003)
Suffragette (to celebrate 100th Anniversary of Women's Political and Social Union).
4 minute mile (2004)
Runners legs with stopwatch in background (to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the first 4 minute mile run completed by Roger Bannister).
English dictionary (2005)
Coin covered in writing saying Fifty Pence in many different ways (to celebrate the 250th anniversary of Samuel Johnson's English dictionary).
Victoria Cross 1 (2006)
An image of Soldier carrying somebody with a cross behind them (to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Victoria Cross).
Victoria Cross 2 (2006)
An image of the Victoria Cross (to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Victoria Cross).
Scouts (2007)
The coin has a picture of the Scouts badge on it (to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Scouts).
Kew Garden's (2009)
Image of a Tower with a vine warped around it going from bottom to top (to celebrate the 250th anniversary of the Kew Gardens).
Girl Guides (2010)
Girl Guide badge (to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Girl Guide).
WWF (2011)
WWF coin was struck in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the WWF and the conservation work it has done.