Decimal One Penny | ||
Elizabeth II's Decimal Penny's have been struck from 1971 to present day
and there are currently
six (seven ?)different types all of which are still in circulation.
All Decimal Pennies weigh approximately 3.56 grams and have diameter
of 20.32 millimetres. |
1) New Penny, Portrait #1, Bronze From 1971 to 1981 (1972 proof only) in bronze. OBVERSE - Portrait #1 and inscription clockwise from top right. REVERSE - Crowned Portcullis with Chains hanging down from either side by Christopher Ironside, and a "1" below the image. Inscription reads "NEW PENNY". The portcullis design takes its inspiration from the Portcullis Badge of Henry VII. |
2) One Penny, Portrait #1, Bronze From 1982 to 1984 in bronze. OBVERSE - The same. REVERSE - The same but the inscription has changed to "ONE PENNY". |
3) Portrait #2, Bronze From 1985 to 1991 (1992 proof only) in bronze. OBVERSE - Portrait #2 and inscription clockwise from bottom left. REVERSE - The same. |
4) Portrait #2, Steel From 1992 to 1997 in copper plated steel so they are magnetic. To keep the weight the same the coin was made thicker than the original bronze. OBVERSE - The same. REVERSE - The same. |
5) Portrait #3, Steel From 1998 to 2008 in copper plated steel. OBVERSE - Portrait #3 and inscription clockwise from bottom left. REVERSE - The same. |
6) Portrait #3, Part Shield Reverse, Steel From 2008 to Now in copper plated steel. OBVERSE - The same. REVERSE - a Small Portion of the Royal Standard Shield by Matthew Dent with the inscription "ONE PENNY". |
Niente di particolare ma anche un po' di tutto ...
Per non dimenticare ma anche per divertimento ...
Quando capita qualcosa ma anche senza scadenze precise ...
Da consultare regolarmente ma anche se non si ha niente di meglio da fare ...
Ognuno ne faccia quello che meglio crede !!!
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